Analysis Of India-Taiwan Semiconductor Industry 

Abstract  The following paper aims to analyse how India- the Taiwan partnership can be helpful for…

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A Year of Taliban’s Rise Like The Phoenix

Introduction After the political and military transition in 2014, when most US and NATO forces left…

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India’s Changing Outlook Toward Europe

ABSTRACT  This paper attempts to analyse the changing nature of India’s relationship with Europe, focusing mainly…

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Geopolitics in the Indo-Pacific Region: China’s growing dominance and India’s response to it.

Introduction: The name ‘Indo-Pacific’ emerges from the coinage of the names of two important oceans- the…

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Pakistan’s Political Upheaval and the Future of its Foreign Ties

The unravelling: The past few weeks in Pakistan have been nothing less than turbulent for its…

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Evergrande Crisis – Gray Rhino of the Chinese economy

Evergrande Group has been a topic of discussion for global news channels for months as China’s…

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India-China Maritime Competition: The Way Ahead

China’s effort to expand its power is not a new phenomenon. China has been challenging India’s…

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An ice-free Arctic zone, permanent submerging of many countries, hotter temperatures, barren lands. Yes, our planet…

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Summarizing the COP 26 and its ramifications in the Indian Context

“The outcome of COP26 is a compromise. It is an important step, but not enough. We…

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The Status Quo for India

Introduction Today’s world is more turbulent and unpredictable than at any other period in history. The…

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