About Us

About Us

Welcome to India’s only revolutionary think tank, wholly run by students, NITI TANTRA. We are the first Think Tank in India, focusing on the entry of Youth into politics. It is high time that every person realizes and makes their impact in Policy Making. Furthermore, Niti Tantra is here to create interest in every individual, from students to adults in politics. Arise and Awake, step forward for better lives.

Our Aim

The Fourth Pillar of Democracy, Niti Tantra, is an unbiased policy analysis that helps the typical person understand the Policy in detail and the Truth. We help the political parties develop strategic and rational plans and manifestos, the Policymakers to understand and bridge the gaps, and the students to learn more about the role of politics in their everyday lives. Our Magazines are curated and designed to create interest among the students to know about Politics. This, in turn, also helps the politicians understand the on-ground scenarios and helps them strategize their plans for the nation’s development.

Niti Tantra aims to increase the vote percentage among the Youth by educating them with realistic data and the importance of their vote. We introduce the Youth to the actual politics and help them understand what politics is. By eliminating the distrust of Youth from politics, we ignite the sense of optimism in them towards it.

Through our critical analysis and in-depth research, we help the political parties. We are creating plans and organizing their campaigns, Creating Strategies and manifestos, bringing together all the political parties to discuss, debate, and frame better policies.

Being entirely independent and autonomous is the unique quality of Niti Tantra. We always strive to bring out the Truth in the Policy. Niti Tantra aims to achieve these and solve the better Future Politics through our Democratic, Moral, and Legal methods.


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