India and its new integrated approach to Eurasia

With the withdrawal of the U.S. from Afghanistan, it becomes imperative for India to have a…

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Review of MGNREGA : Ways to Make it Better

India holds a population of 1.39 billion people, with more than 60 percent living in rural…

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Surrogacy Bill

“You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may…

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World Inequality Report 2022

The  Grim Reality of Disparities In The Post Pandemic Era The release of the World Inequality Report…

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Review of Child Labour Policies in India

What is Child Labour The term ‘Child Labour’ is defined as a work that deprives children…

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What Is The History of Juvenile Justice System in India

There are a variety of social, environmental, economic and psychological parameters leading to development of delinquent…

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Summarizing the COP 26 and its ramifications in the Indian Context

“The outcome of COP26 is a compromise. It is an important step, but not enough. We…

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What is Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Bill, 2020

The Union Cabinet adopted the Assisted Reproductive Technology Regulation Bill, 2020 on Wednesday, which will regulate…

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Two Years of tin talak act – Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act, 2019

It was in 2019 when the Supreme Court declared the practice of Triple Talaq unconstitutional by…

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What Is Taxation Policies in India

Abstract Taxes are the means through which the government of a state renders its expenditures. Thus,…

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