This paper seeks to venture into analysing the constitutional principles which act as the base of the guidelines for the environmental policy framework in India. As India rises economically and rises on the ladder of development, it would be imperative for the government and the citizens, especially in the backdrop of climate change, to look at the environmental concerns and its growing detrimental effect on the quality of life. This paper addresses and examines the problem with significant environmental policies implemented in India in the last few years and provides a new outlook and solutions for the betterment of those policies. The paper tries to provide a solution to the debatable question of dichotomy between the environment and development and provides measures that make sustainable development turn into a living reality.
Keywords: Constitutional principles, environmental laws, Environmentalism, sustainability, Environmental policies, Green Tapism.
Man at his early stage of civilizational journey had understood the importance of its bond with the environment. All the Great Early civilizations that we know today be it Egypt, China, India all flourished by their healthy coexistence with the environment. The relationship between Indians and the Environment can be traced back to the Vedic times. The importance can be illustrated with the Rig Vedic Hymn “ May plants, the waters and the sky preserve us, and Woods and mountains with their trees preserve us, May the swift wanderer, Lord of refreshments, list our songs, who speeds through cloudy heaven. And may the water, bright, like castles, hear us. As they blow onword from the clover mountain.” There are various instances of environmental conservation that have been carried on from generations, like the preservation of the sacred groove. Thus we see the relationship between the Indians and Environment is so closely knit that even the changes in the environment and the seasons are keenly observed and are celebrated as festivals, which portrays the understanding and respect Indians culturally had for the environment.
The Constitution of India reflects the aspirations of the Indians, and it adheres to the same Principles of Environmental conservation and protection. In today’s day and age, with increasing needs, expectations and greed to hold on to the resources, has undeniably taken a huge toll on the environmental balance and sustainability. The Indian constitution addresses the issues with the help of environmental laws, rules and policies. Thus analysing these constitutional principles and revisiting policies can lead the country to a better sustainable future, where development and environment can go hand in hand.
Tracing the roots of the Environmental laws in India
As a country which is driven by constitutional mandate, the protection and sustainability of the environment cannot be assured without stringent environmental laws guided by constitutional principles and grounded policies. The Indian constitution which nurtures the idea of a welfare state, contains specific provisions for the protection and conservation of environment under the chapters of Directive Principles of State policy and Fundamental Duties. This part of the paper deals with the background or the origins of the Environmental laws in India.
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